No problem
can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. ~ Albert Einstein

Your success is my business..
I am passionate to work with women and men who are ready to invest in themselves, abandon their excuses and embrace their process to achieve their ultimate fulfillment personally and professionally.
Men and women, who once believed in the possibilities and are ready to believe again, not willing to forfeit their desired futures. If that’s you; you’re in the right place!
As a doer, an achiever, one who is passionate about excelling in the best of life, I have overcome many personal challenges and obstacles to accomplish many goals in my life.
Being a full-time graduate student, single parent and employee all at the same time, starting a business while working full-time, becoming a serial entrepreneur and most importantly, raising a successful young man, I understand and can appreciate the many roles we fulfill in life.
We work to please and meet the needs of others but how often do we ensure our needs are addressed? Our goals are achieved? Our dreams are fulfilled?
As your coach I will support and guide you to..
gain clarity
define your objective
identify blocks and imposed limitations
address to eliminate barriers to your progress
identify and implement a strategic plan of action to reach your goal
accept accountability to complete assignments
exercise persistence and embrace encouragement
achieve your goal and attain new levels of growth = success!

My own personal process and the life lessons learned have helped equip me for my purpose – to help liberate people from limiting thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and mindsets that keep them from what it is they desire.
My process culminated in the writing and publication of my first book in 2018, Prepared for a Purpose – Embrace the Process.
Believing there is much more that is possible in you, through you and for you, I gladly partner with my respective clients to actualize their power to reach goals that may have previously seemed unattainable.
Personal Coaching is about you! I appreciate the commitment of time and the investment of resources you are ready and prepared to make in this process to your next level of greatness. I look forward to partnering with you. Now the question you need to ask yourself is..

Are you coachable?
Coaching is about you! So let’s determine if you are ready to be all about you? Are you ready, willing and able to dedicate the time, focus, work and investment into gaining clarity, accomplishing your goals, being more fulfilled; intentionally creating the life and lifestyle you desire and deserve?
Let’s start with a confidential Coaching Assessment.
Please complete this assessment, answering honestly for the best results! Select the number that most accurately represents how true the statement is for you right now in your life.
As your coach, I would need you to be in the right place in your life – coachable – to achieve great results. Thank you for taking time to do that as a first step.
Once you have completed the assessment we will have a complimentary 30-minute discovery session to introduce ourselves. This time will allow us to ask and answer questions and have a great discussion about the process and expectations regarding coaching, as well as the coaching partnership.
There is no obligation to continue with a coaching relationship as a result of the complimentary session. This is for the sole purpose of determining if we would be a good fit for The Intentional Process to move you to your desired goals.
You know there is so much more for you. Are you ready to have it?